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Psalm 31:24

15 September, 2023

Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD. – Psalm 31-24

Almighty God, our Refuge and strong, invincible Fortress, you are worthy of the highest Honor and Exaltation all the days of our lives, for it is you, Who makes the sun rise and set and by Whose plans we live, throughout our lifetime. Lord, we know and believe in you, for you are Faithful and Righteous. Not a single leaf or stone can move without your consent for you are the Author of Life in totality. Lord, your Word always has a purpose and never returns void, but fulfills its purpose, for your promises never fail.

Lord, we rest in your Holy Word and submit obediently to your Holy Will, for your favor and grace is obtained by raising your Holy Name high and proclaiming your Might, Majesty and Glory to all the ends of the earth. Through confidence in your promises, which never falter or fail, as we have experienced, please make our hearts strong and our belief unshakeable, for only you can supply us with the strength we need, to take on headlong, all the challenges life places in our path.

Dear God, with absolute faith and trust, we place our lives in your hands, fully relying on your infallible love and mercy. You provide us with strength to grow and move ahead, abiding in Christ, and imparting fortitude and unwavering strength, supplying all our wants. And we know, without the shadow of a doubt, that no evil can transcend your goodness and favor as long as we tread in your Ways. Only good can befall those who trust in Jesus, your beloved Son, in Whose Name we invoke you. Amen

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September 15, 2023
September 15, 2023