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Psalm 34: 8

1 March, 2022

O taste and see that the Lord is good! Happy is the man who takes refuge in him. – Psalm 34:8

Dear Father in heaven, we come to you with thanks and praise, exalting your perfect love, your steadfastness and faithfulness throughout the generations. For you have helped us repeatedly from age to age, forgiving our countless trespasses, our treachery, wickedness and only heeding our urgent cries of supplication, lifting us out of the mire of the darkness of ignominy and death.

Again and again you have let your light shine out on us so that we could be glad and know that our lives are secure in your hands, as you offer us refuge in the shadow of your grace and majesty, never holding our iniquities against us. You display your might and strength in our weakness and show us your goodness and kindness in our sinfulness.

Protect us on this earth with your divine providence, knowing our incapacity and fickleness and saving and healing us with your mercy. Lord, we trust your saving grace and believe that you will never abandon us. Protect us, that the light of true life may shine more and more brightly and we may praise your name with our whole heart. Be with us O God, and touch our hearts with your Spirit, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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March 1, 2022
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