Prayers and Petitions

Psalm 46:1

19 March, 2022

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. – Psalm 46:1

Mighty God, our Protector and Defender, you are an Omniscient and Omnipresent God, ever present, all-knowing and thus, a strong fortress and a rock of safety, in Whom we can retire, secluded and secure when facing the trials of life. You are the hiding place of all who seek shelter in you and we can be assured of preservation and asylum in an increasingly unsafe, anti-Christian world.

Today, in the present age, we are witnessing power struggles, war, hatred, discrimination, politics, maneuvering, manipulations and irreligious threats against our God and between people and communities. We, your children, are depleted of strength from the aggressive attacks of a never-ending pandemic and we resort to finding peace and comfort from your unfailing promises that you are with us and will never abandon us.

As your children we are called to be courageous and resilient, fiercely putting the enemy to flight, for Christ has won the final victory and we are assured that His triumph is credited to us as well. The shelter that He affords is not to indulge in fear, but to stand fast against the evil adversary, as the spiritual battle between our righteous God and Satan’s wicked forces continues to rage throughout the godless nations of the world. Heavenly Father, we implore your help in Jesus Name. Amen

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