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Psalm 50: 14-15

28 October, 2023

Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me. Psalm 50:14–15

Oh God, Author of our life, we offer you honor, praise and worship, acknowledging you as the Most High and the true God. We detest the fact of our sinfulness and resolve to make sincere atonement, with honest and proper observation of your commands and dedication to complying with your Holy Will, keeping far from incurring divine condemnation. We renounce all ungodliness and ascribe to you devoted and just praise, casting all our cares unto you, and seeking by prayer, the deliverance which comes from your Providence and Promise.

We render manifold gratitude for the Grace you freely dispense. Increase our faith, Lord, forgive our unbelief and grant us assistance to embrace a holy life, with patient endurance of the crosses we are given to bear. With constant prayer to fortify our faith and continuous praise to increase in holiness, we rise to spiritual levels, and throttle worldly desires of sin, relying on your honor to rescue us when we make petitions of supplication for your help, to the glory of your Name.

All you ask of us is a true spirit and a pure and contrite heart, steadfastness, integrity and trust. In return, you take possession of our lives and hearts, envelop us in your love, adopt us and hold us close, keeping your promise of never abandoning us, giving us a rich inheritance and eternal salvation. O Lord of infinite goodness and kindness, all this you supply us, according to the riches of your glory, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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October 28, 2023
October 28, 2023