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Psalm 55:22

2 November, 2023

Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken. Psalm 55:22

Glorious Father, in your Mighty name do we commit ourselves, for you are the God of Righteousness and Restoration. No power of evil can assault us when we are in your shelter, humble and chaste. We hurry to do your Holy Will, in full confidence and assurance that the gifts you supply us out of your grace will uplift us and not bear us down.

Jesus, our Redeemer, had willingly become incarnate and carried the burden of the sins of the whole world, making atonement for them. He is the Word, the one who was, is and will be forever, from whom all creation issued and by whom all creation was restored to the glory of your name. Lord, we are your children and a Father makes sure that his children are safe, secure and free.

Likewise, you, our infallible Father, provide that your gifts, used for your glory and in the measure, standard and time you have set for them, will always come to fruition. Just as Jesus defeated every enemy when on earth, with the magnifying power of your Holy Spirit, and fulfilled your Will in your name, lightening the yoke of suffering, fill us with the same spirit of peace, sustenance and truth, in the name of Jesus our Lord. Amen

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November 2, 2023
November 2, 2023