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Psalm 67: 6-7

15 November, 2020

The land yields its harvest; God, our God, blesses us. May God bless us still, so that all the ends of the earth will fear him. Psalm 67:6–7

Abba Father, we join in the echo of praises that the entire creation is sending up to the heavens in a joyful crescendo of melody. We drench ourselves in the richness of your Holy Word, knowing that it resonates with your Voice, and your plan for us. Your Word gives faith through your Promises, hope in your doctrines which convey the Truth of what is yet to come and the certainty that you will never separate yourself from your wilful and sinful children, but will lead them into the Light of your countenance.

You have blessed your people with the incredible vastness of the earth and all it contains. You have given your beneficial grace, and gifts, virtues and talents, making man powerful and mighty. When used as intended by you, man has been given the gift of a mind that can traverse unlimited boundaries and is capable of being vastly productive in every field he applies his God-given talents to.

You bestow your divine favor and blessing on those who cultivate the earth with diligence, sowing, harvesting and reaping the bounties of sincere duty according to your time and purpose, thus preventing the necessity, by way of judgment, of cutting off harvests by drought, destructive insects and other elements as a consequence of lassitude.

Lord, you reward sincerity, vigilance, temperance, reverence  of you, with your divine providence and bless with abundant fertility and with every needed favor the constancy of purpose and the toil of labor shown in every situation. Strengthen us to abound in the faith of your Holy Gospel propounded by Jesus our Lord. Amen

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