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Psalm 91: 14-16

29 March, 2021

“Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” Psalm 91:14-16

Lord God, we come before you in humble submission and supplication, in adoration and worship, in reverence and veneration, for you are the Alpha and you have created us and have the power to recreate us, to bring the newness of unconditional, perfect love that you have for us into our hearts, to transform our lives to the integrity of growing in the spiritual wisdom of your Holy Word and relying on you alone, by submitting to your Holy Will.

Lord, make us worthy of your selfless outpourings of love through the richness of your grace bestowed upon us. You have redeemed and delivered us through our Savior Jesus’ death and resurrection on the Cross of our sins. You have adopted us to sonship and granted us a rich and everlasting inheritance as co-heirs of your kingdom. You fathom the pondering and petitions, the needs and prayers of our inmost being and give of yourself freely, when we call out to you with humility, suffering and sincerity. You revealed yourself through the promises of your new covenant, as a Father, leading and guiding us to holiness and to a pure communion with you, through your Holy Spirit.

Lord, you are the Omega, the end of our worldly meanderings, which, when over, will stand us in your presence. Help us Lord, to be purified and sanctified beings when we come before you, honorable and righteous, upright and meritorious and we can accomplish this only by walking close to you Lord. We plead with you to hear our call, answer our cry, assist and uphold us and never forsake us, especially when in the throes of tribulation, grief and despair. We place ourselves in your mighty hands and hold on fast to you, trusting you to raise us up and energize us with faith, hope, and love, in our Lord Jesus’ Name. Amen

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