Prayers and Petitions

Psalm 97: 1,6

25 November, 2020

The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores rejoice… The heavens proclaim his righteousness, and all peoples see his glory. Psalm 97:1, 6

God, you are infinite and eternal, worthy of praise, possessed of absolute power and an infallible wisdom. You are the creator of all things visible and unseen and your majesty therefore, is universal. In all places, on all occasions, and in all times, you reign on high.

Your omnipotence, omnipresence and supremacy is undisputed and your word is law on which obedience is founded. You direct human actions by your word, spirit, and providence revealing the difference between good and evil and our conduct to our God, our neighbors, and ourselves. You have entered into a gracious covenant with mankind, to enlighten the darkness that envelopes him, and manifest your saving grace, freely obtained by faith, to further our salvation.

We reassert your sovereignty, and that of the Church over all forms of government and it serves as a reminder to all Christians that we owe our fidelity and loyalty to you, who, by your son Jesus’ incarnation and sacrificial death on the cross has made all believers recipients of your grace, both as adopted children of God and future citizens and heirs of the kingdom of heaven. You are the only sovereign king, our spiritual ruler, who rules by truth and love.

We declare our loyalty to you by professing our Christian commitment, expressed in our serving of others with sacrificial and forgiving love, and by our solidarity with the poor. Your love, Lord, is selfless, compassionate, forgiving, and unconditional. Your saving and liberating mission has freed us from all types of bondage, enabling us to live peacefully and happily on earth, and promising us an inheritance in the eternal life of heaven.

The earth, the universe, the heavens all rejoice in exultation that to their God his dominions have come together forevermore. Your reign Lord and your governance establishes your clemency, holiness, righteousness, and benignity. We are all safe in the mighty kingdom of our God of justice, peace and love, with Jesus at your right hand. Amen

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