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Psalms 119:2

30 November, 2023

Blessed, those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with all their heart. Psalms 119:2

Heavenly Father, you are Just and Merciful and have, from the beginning of Creation, shaped us in your image and likeness, purposefully wanting us to be in perfect communion with you, in the Paradise you had created for us. But we rebelled and distanced ourselves from you. Yet, you never forsook us or left us orphans, but through your prophets kept leading us, preventing us from going completely astray from you, into the hands of evil perpetrators and predators.

We thank you Lord, for watching us as a Father his children and as a Shepherd, his flock, for when we were overtaken by the wretched darkness of our iniquities, your outstretched hand saved us from destruction and eternal damnation. Instead, you sent us a Messiah, promised through the ages, to lead us out of the wilderness of wickedness into the light of your Heavenly truth and grace. Our Lord Jesus reaffirmed what the prophets had prophesied and he died to give us your gift of eternal salvation.

Lord, we need your saving grace and the guidance of your indwelling Spirit, to keep us in your ways. We need to abide in Jesus our Lord so that he abides in us. We need to walk in absolute submission, humility and obedience to discern and follow your Holy Word and be aligned with your Holy Will, to follow the pathways that lead us to you. Teach us to honor the wisdom of holiness and godliness, surrendering the evil of the flesh and embracing the Light of your eternal Truth, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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November 30, 2023
November 30, 2023