Prayers and Petitions

Psalms 19: 13

13 March, 2021

Also from arrogant ones restrain your servant; let them never control me. Then shall I be blameless, innocent of grave sin. – Psalms 19: 13

Lord, Heavenly King, we stand before you in all humility, acknowledging you as our Father and our Master, for it is your unconditional love that has redeemed us from sin and elevated all believers to sonship. But in this world, we are your humble servants and you, our Lord and Master, honored to be able to call you Father and be recipients of your grace and beneficiaries of your Kingdom, as obtained by our Savior Jesus Christ for all followers in faith, of the true God.

Father, by nature of our mortal beings, we are sinners, easily falling prey to Satanic devices, which leads us away from you. Jesus, our Messiah has rescued us from the darkest crevices and drawn us into the light of your healing grace, sanctified and justified by his atoning sacrifice for our iniquities. Lord, as strong as we are in faith, so much stronger will temptations assault our stainless beings, plotting to destroy our souls and our communion with you.

Pride, ego and arrogance are the handy tools and the venom of the tempter. Help us Lord, to steer clear of all dangers of presumptuous sin causing rebellion and betrayal and falling away from grace. Save us from the peril of evil penetrating our hearts and minds, by ever cleaving to you closely, following your covenant and your will. May your Holy Spirit keep us from the blemish of transgression to attain your heavenly dispensation by abiding in Jesus, as he in us. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

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