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Psalms 27: 4

28 April, 2023

One thing I ask of the Lord ; this I seek: To dwell in the Lord ’s house all the days of my life. To gaze on the Lord’s beauty, to visit his temple. – Psalms 27:4

Lord God, your Magnificent Presence is manifested, time and again to your faithful followers, your children, in a multitude of ways throughout our life and we testify to this in song and worship. It is experienced in a more tangible manner to those who accomplish in their lives, the purpose for which you sent them, by dutifully complying in doing your Holy Will, trusting you to give them the victory in the battles of life. We know that our Righteous, Omnipresent God is ready to help and deliver all who seek him, earnestly and with humility, glorifying him in the holy places.

At all times we offer our exhilarated praise, honoring our mighty God. Even in times of adversity we keep our trust and faith enkindled and alive, with the assurance that all your plans are only to prosper us. Only in you Lord, is Truth and Life. All else diminishes before you. We offer our lives submitting to your Will, for your grace is sufficient for us. Our greatest wish is to love, serve and glorify you before the Tabernacle of the Most High.

Your Holy Word reveals your great love for mankind, your unparalleled gift of the grace of eternal life through the salvific promise given by Christ, who, atoning for our sins, purchased for us freedom and restoration with our God, to dwell with you forevermore. Our only desire is to live in Christ and die in Christ, sharing in the richness of your glory with Jesus our Savior. Our heart’s consuming passion is to rejoice in your beatific, radiating presence, contemplating and adoring your divine Wisdom and Majesty. We strive to, and seek to, achieve this in the Name of Jesus our Lord. Amen

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April 28, 2023
April 28, 2023