I'm having bad cold. Head heavy too. Please pray that I'll be well soon

Posted by: Savio on November 2, 2019
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Pray for the departed souls

All Souls Day is a time for commemoration of the souls of our loved ones who have passed away into eternal life. Spending time in prayer for the departed souls of our family and loved ones, especially to save them from purgatory, will result in many blessings.


Posted by: Admin on November 2, 2019
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I ask for prayers for God to deliver me of Kundalini from my past new age involvement and seeking help from the wrong people who imparted more of this evil spirit onto me. I get severely tormented by these spirits and I'm asking for serious prayer that God will deliver and protect me from the enemy stealing my deliverance! When I was seeking my deliverance I was also to get some help but not completely free and I tried different places and made it worse! God bless the people who pray for me to get their needs met by our Almighty God!

Posted by: Renee Howard on September 27, 2019
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Please pray for my family that everything goes well according to God's plan. My both daughters be happily married. Keep me in good health always.

Posted by: Patsy Nunes on September 27, 2019
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I pray for my family and me to overcome my financial crisis and pay my debts which troubles me a lot and need my life back to normal, happy and peaceful

Posted by: Diana Corpuz on September 27, 2019
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Please pray for me and my family to be free from all financial troubles.

Posted by: Bonaventure Kiyaka on September 24, 2019
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Pray for me and my family.

Posted by: Gloria Cureton on September 24, 2019
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I pray for the health and cure of our wife and mother Sarah 'Sharon' Finlay who is suffering from lung cancer again with only one lung. I pray that she can stay strong both physically and mentally. I pray that our Lady gives her strength. I pray that all treatments are favourable and that she will be free of lung cancer as soon as possible. I pray that her medical trial which started yesterday will rid her of cancer I pray that she fights this illness and has many years with her husband and kids. Our Lady, St. Bernadette and St. Pergerine please pray for her. By the grace of God and for the glory of God. Amen

Posted by: Christine Finlay on September 24, 2019
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Please pray for me.

Posted by: George Lobo on September 24, 2019
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I need a job to go back to school to study safety. This first coarse is costing me $ 14000 tt.

Posted by: Daniel Ricardo Aggernauth on September 24, 2019
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My marriage and husband

Posted by: Kathy on September 24, 2019
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Please pray for my mummy Mrs Rosemary Pires. She has very poor vision in both her eyes. Doctor said that cannot do anything for her. Please pray that God bless her and give back her eyesight.

Posted by: Michelle Pires on September 24, 2019
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Please pray for Larry to get a good job nearby , soon and also for Dini and kids to travel safely to work and school. We humbly make this request in the Name of Jesus. We thank you and praise you Lord.

Posted by: Lydia on September 24, 2019
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To study and remember my lessons

Posted by: Athan Pinto on September 21, 2019
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Please pray for our eldest brother Linus who is undergoing a lot of mental trauma at the moment , that Jesus will heal him completely. Also for our whole family to keep in good health, have peace and live in harmony. Thank and Praise you Jesus.

Posted by: Lydia D'Souza on September 21, 2019
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My mom was just diagnosed with breast cancer. I’m asking for healing prayers for her and also to calm hers and my anxiety about the situation.

Posted by: Krystal Wilburn on September 21, 2019
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Please bless me so that my work situation can improve.

Posted by: Angel on September 21, 2019
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Thank you for praying for me my biggest prayer is to be able to get a full-time job that would give me an abundance of money to help my mom and dad who I take care of to fix their house up so that they have a livable place to live to be able to give them a bed to sleep in instead of a couch or recliner chair to be able to fix their sink instead of every time I go to wash dishes I have to use a plunger to be able to help them to fix up their house this is my biggest request so that they can have a nice place to live and enjoy the rest of their life being in a healthy environment for health for my mom and dad and son and myself to heal our bodies please God help me find a full-time job so I can help my family this is my big request I cannot do it alone anymore thank you thank you thank you for your prayers for my family may you be blessed with health love happiness and abundance for all of those that are praying for me and my family. Amen

Posted by: Pamela Houston on September 21, 2019
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Pray for my friend's son who's suffering from Epilepsy and has to undergo surgery.

Posted by: Joan D'Cruz on September 21, 2019
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I want to pray for Aarey a beautiful creation by God which will probably be destroyed. I pray for the people behind this. I hope they realise what they are doing and last but not the least I pray for all those humans who ruining our mother nature by rituals and beliefs. May god really bless them and put some sense in their heads.

Posted by: Dylan Mascarenhas on September 21, 2019
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