10 November, 2020
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8
Almighty Father, Whose wondrous rule extends from age to age and from everlasting to everlasting, you endure forever and your Being is beyond all comprehension. You and the Son, our Lord Jesus are one in Being, one in Spirit, Emmanuel, the God with us. We adore and worship your Triune Majesty and are humbled by your never-ending faithfulness towards us.
We emanated from you, Lord, the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega, the Ever-living God of all creation, and the Son Jesus Christ was with you in the preexistence of all time, when you formed us and breathed your spirit into us.
And we will return to you, one in being with your Triune Godhead of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, after we complete our tenure in this temporal abode and accomplish the purpose for which you have given us life on earth, the purpose of revealing, revering, and propagating the magnificence and radiant Glory of our Creator.
We look unto Jesus, the Author of our faith, which begins in him and concludes in him, who for the Salvation of mankind and the restoration of the glory of God endured the cross, conquering the curse of sin and death, and now shares the Divinity with you, Father, at the right hand of your throne.
We worship you Lord, who holds dominion over the entire universe, who along with your Son Jesus, in unity of the Holy Spirit is adored and glorified through all the earth. We hope in the Resurrection, and in being in your Presence eternally, Almighty God, who is, was and is to come, in Jesus’ Name. Amen