Prayers and Petitions

Revelation 1:8

11 June, 2021

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty”. Revelation 1:8

Eternal, All-powerful God, from the beginning of eternity, your Omnipotence has been established everlastingly. All power over the entire firmament lies with you and everything is possible with you. Yet, Almighty Father, you have allowed humankind to exercise the free will you have equipped us with. We worship you and give you praise, for with the rising of the sun till its setting, you make all things new and from the beginning to infinity, you unceasingly exist, to the glory of your Name.

Lord, your beloved Son Jesus coexists with you and the Holy Spirit, having the same attributes, a Triune Godhead, which is, and which was, and which is to come. Through your divine power, you provide, sustain, strengthen, heal and have forever taken us as your own by delivering us and destroying the evil powers ensnaring us. For this purpose, you sent Jesus, who atoned for all our iniquities, restoring us, fully justified, to you, our Just and Righteous God.

Jesus has been with you before the beginning of the world, and is the Word through which all things, visible and invisible have been created. The Almighty ‘I AM’! He has the power to destroy all, by his breath that can blow all things to nothing. But his love for mankind is made manifest, when at your behest, in humble submission, he came to earth to redeem and deliver us. To you God and to your Triune Godhead is omnipotency, eternity, and immutability, and we profess our faith and trust in your Holy Name, through our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen

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