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Romans 10:10

31 October, 2023

With the heart one believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth one confesses, resulting in salvation.
Romans 10:10

Heavenly God, as we praise and pray, worship and glorify your Invincible Sovereignty and flawless plans for your entire creation, which is not just unblemished but unchangeable, we avow that you are the Author of our life and of our salvation. Lord, when you created us, you gave us dominion over all created things. But betraying you, we became diminished in spirit to mere mortals and entered the vile realm of wickedness and darkness. We turned away from you, Lord, becoming unfaithful and unrighteous. There is much that we need to understand about the Word of God and much that we need to be taught, by the guidance of the Holy Spirit into all truth.

Keep us from being distanced from the truth of the gospel of grace into a distorted gospel by those who hypocritically show religious zeal, but are ignorant, intolerant, and arrogant and lead others into wrong directions. Lord, your mercy is unsurpassed and your plans are everlasting. Jesus came to the earth to restore your plans and thus, to restore your glory. It had never been your intention to abandon us, who were the image and likeness of you and carried within us your own breath. Our Savior recreated us to righteousness of spirit, by dying for us and erasing the entire burden of our iniquities. His resurrection and ascension into heaven has gained for us eternal salvation. Thus, with our heart we confess our faith, and with our mouth we proclaim your Everlasting glory.

Help us to walk justly, to be approved unto God and give us the wisdom and the humility to seek you when we do not understand. Open our eyes to believe and follow the truth of the Holy Gospel, through rebirth in the Spirit, justified for all time, before you. We are eternally grateful to be recreated, sanctified, by the sacrificial Blood of Jesus, and by gaining adoption to sonship and a rich inheritance in the heavenly realms, only by your grace and by our faith, and by our solidarity and life in Jesus Christ. Uphold us Lord, and may our faith bring us salvation and life everlasting, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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October 31, 2023
October 31, 2023