Prayers and Petitions

Romans 1:16

24 August, 2021

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
Romans 1:16

Dear God, Creator and Provider, Judge and Deliverer, you gave us your Word of Truth, the Holy Gospel and bade us to preach it throughout the earth, for the salvation of all humanity, first to your own people and also to all unbelievers, who hear the word and place their faith in your promises. The self-proclaimed intellectuals may reject this truth, being so immersed in earthly prosperity that they are willing to forego spiritual and ultimately, eternal treasure.

As Christians, we are bound to face ridicule and persecution, for the sake of our faith in Jesus Christ, but we also know and believe that only our faith can lead us to salvation. Jesus saved us from destruction and uplifted us, inviting us to come to conversion and enter the eternal realm of the Heavenly Kingdom, through him and with him. It is your dictate, Father, that we fearlessly carry our crosses and courageously minister to the truth of your gospel, thus leading others to you, as commissioned by you.

By your gospel message, we profess to the inhabitants of the earth, that this world is not our final resting place. We proclaim Jesus as our Savior and Judge and instruct all men to accept Jesus and invite him to dwell in our hearts, through the Holy Spirit. For anyone, everyone, who puts their faith in Christ and his death for their sin on the cross, will be justified and made righteous before you, God,and we will be welcomed into your family, as children and co-heirs, to extol your glory forever, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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