Prayers and Petitions

Romans 1:17


19 October, 2024

For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith”. – Romans 1:17

Abba Father, Glorious God, we believe in your Being, your boundless mercy, your perfect love and your infallible plans and promises. For though mankind fell from grace by disobeying your Holy Will, your righteousness was unchanged. And even though your wrath was ignited by our sinfulness, your pure goodness set your plan of redemption into action. You justified us by our faith in your Son, our Lord Jesus, who bought our liberty with his blood, when he shed it and washed us pure.

Your act of righteousness dear God, was performed by Jesus, being God as well as man. He imputed to us his righteous sacrifice by taking unto himself our iniquity, thereby justifying us before you, by our faith in him increasing to perfection. Jesus revealed to us the gospel truth of your Heavenly Kingdom and of your promise of eternal salvation through our faith, and the free gift of your grace, by which we are saved.

Lord, you have adopted us as children and co-heirs of your kingdom through our belief in Jesus Christ. He procured our freedom, though he was sinless, by taking all our sins and through baptism by water and rebirth in him by the fire of the Holy Spirit, he purified us, by faith, and made us worthy receptacles of your favor and benefactions. Through the same faith help us Lord, to live in Jesus as he lives in us, and by so living, survive in our temporal existence, and be freed from eternal destruction, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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