28 July, 2020
Now we find that the Law keeps slipping into the picture to point the vast extent of sin. Yet, though sin is shown to be wide and deep, thank God his grace is wider and deeper still! Romans 5:20
Merciful and Lenient God, you created man in your image, and your eternal attributes embody all that man desires and ought to cultivate. All that we seek, you have bestowed in abundance. Pardon us then, Lord, for falling short of grace innumerable times by repeatedly courting sin and destruction, thus inviting your holy wrath. By chasing false illusions and vain perceptions, we have become a fallen race, living in a cursed creation, with scant regard for your precepts and commandments and separated by our wilful ungodliness from our Creator God. Save us, Father, hear our sorrowful supplications, for though our iniquities are great, your inexhaustible Mercy is greater and can reinstate us to fellowship with you and your Son Jesus, who sacrificed his life that ungrateful man become beneficiaries of the free gift of Salvation. Let your power be revealed in the world, your will be done, your name be kept holy, and all wrongs righted in this turbulent and difficult age. As we strive to cleanse our souls of imperfections, we invoke your assistance in Jesus’ Name. Amen