January 7, 2022
January 8, 2022
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Romans 6:23

7 January, 2022

For the wages paid by sin is death, but the gracious gift of God is eternal life through union with Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 6:23

Eternal God, our Creator and Savior, we are a redeemed people and can sing out your praises giving joyful worship. For we were once lost and enslaved in sinful desires, unmindful of the indignities we had heaped on our Maker, growing in unrighteousness before you and had thus provoked your wrath. You turned your countenance and we realized just how lost we were without you. We were doomed to a rightful condemnation for the heresies committed against you.

But you knew Lord, that even in all our wickedness you would not leave us orphans, but having compassion on our helplessness, you would do everything to save us and restore us to our former selves. Just like a father forgives his child his trespasses and upholds him when he cries for forgiveness, you sent your only Son as Man, to show us the way and you gave us the reward of salvation, freely bestowed upon all who believe in you, through our Messiah Jesus Christ.

For only through Jesus, can we find your reward, as he is the Way, Truth and Life and his is the Light which can set us on the right path of sanctity and salvation. Your gift of eternal life can be won only through complete faith in Jesus, trust in your promises and hope in the rewards of righteousness. Lord, we pray to attain it not by our own merits, or worthiness, but by the gift or grace you dispense, to all who follow Christ, and are reconciled to you, for the sake of your greater glory,
through Christ our Lord. Amen

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4 Prayers

  1. Lucy D'Souza says:

    Amen to the above beautiful scripture verse and prayer. Thank You Heavenly Father for sending your only begotten son Jesus Christ to die on the cross of Calvary, to pay the penalty for our sins, thus giving us the free gift of salvation and eternal life. ?✝️❤️

  2. Lydia says:

    Amen to the above powerful scripture verse and prayer. Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Redeemer. ?✝️?️