Prayers and Petitions

Romans 8:11

9 October, 2024

But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. – Romans 8:11

Lord God, Heavenly Father, by the Power of your Holy Spirit, we live and breathe and have life and by the resurrection of our Redeemer Jesus Christ, you have awarded us eternal life, through Christ Who lives in us. Father, we exalt your Holy Name and sing songs of your great glory, at having blessed us, mortal human beings, with this new life of being born in the Spirit, by which we have been saved from the bondage of sin, and place our hope in eternal redemption.

Our new life in Christ has given us a new and renewed spirit, free from enslavement to sin, with a life dedicated to giving glory, worship and honor to you, our Powerful God. Father, we humbly submit to your Holy Name, in perfect obedience of your Holy Will. We thank you Lord, for the indwelling Spirit Who is Counselor and Guide, Consoler and Comforter, Who helps us lead righteous lives, so that, sanctified in the Spirit of Christ Who has been raised from the dead, we too, dying in Christ, will be raised as just, immortal citizens and co-heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Assist us, we implore you Lord, to gain the attributes which are life-giving and to live towards edifying Christ’s Holy Body, the Church, thereby becoming worthy role models of our Faith. We commit ourselves to perfecting our lives in Christ, and abiding in him, as we are led by the Holy Spirit to transform the lives of those around us, thus unifying and creating fellowship in Christ our Lord, invoking his Name and walking in the Light of your Grace, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen

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