Prayers and Petitions

Romans 8:18

9 July, 2024

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. – Romans 8:18

Heavenly Father, Omniscient, All-knowing, though your creation was rebellious and separated from you, your Mercy and Love being boundless, encompassed us in our sufferings. Having seen and experienced the sufferings of human beings when you became incarnate, you forged a new Covenant, bringing us Salvation and expiation of our trespasses and heresies, revealing the power of the gospel in sustaining souls in trials. You not only rescued us by the Mighty Hands of our Messiah, but showed us the glory of your Kingdom and your free grace by our faith.

You gave us wholeness through belief in Jesus Christ, and in your righteousness and inexhaustible compassion, you embraced all who took on the yoke of the Cross, abiding strongly in Christ and seeking communion with you, with zealous hearts. We revel in your unchanging promise to support the soul in the prospect of a glorious immortality through your adoption of us as children, co-heirs and citizens of your Kingdom. This present earthly life has lost its appeal before the splendor of eternal life, with the effects and benefits of your adoption of humankind.

Your sustaining grace known through the gospel imparted to us in the midst of our afflictions, revealed to us that nothing could compare with the glory of life to come, after this fleeting existence on earth, with its temporal gains. We rely on your saving grace when we are feeble, and exposed to many trials, persecutions, sicknesses, for as believers, we are called to endure. All tribulation comes to naught in comparison with the compensation of the glorious happiness and honor awaiting us in heaven. The present times shall pass in a moment and we await with earnest expectation for the period when, as children of God, the glory prepared for all your faithful elect is manifested in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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