Prayers and Petitions

Romans 8:26

27 January, 2024

Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. – Roman’s 8:26

Abba Father, you have always provided and blessed all who believe that you are the One, True, Living God, and who, with complete obedience and trust walk in your Holy Ways. We praise and worship you, for you are our Creator, the God of the heavens and the earth, Triune Godhead of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, gloriously perfect in all your attributes, flawless, unblemished and absolute.

As your children, adopted after justification and sanctification, by your Son Jesus Christ, we approach you with humble apprehension, praying with fervor of the Spirit for the blessings of your grace and favor. Lord, very often we may commit lapses in the performance of prayer to you, lacking as we are in sincerity, reverence and submission, still unable to reach you because of our limitations, being in the flesh and hence covered in its imperfections. Forgive us, Lord.

It is at such times that, in humility, we comprehend our inabilities, and how unworthy and unmeritorious we still are. Our many iniquities and worldly cravings stand in the way of making our prayer effectually, to you, through Christ, and performing it in faith, for we need to have perfect communion with you. For this we are grateful and thankful for your indwelling Spirit, having understanding of our needs, supplying us the ardor, boldness and liberty to enable us to pray before you, wordlessly, communicating without utterance, groaning in deep faith for us to convey our difficulties in petition to you, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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