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Zechariah 14:9

21 February, 2024

“And the Lord will be King over all the earth. On that day the Lord will be one, and His name one.”
Zechariah 14:9

Almighty God, you are our Majesty and Ruler, our Lord and King over all the Universe, the Beginning and End of the history of the world, and we are promised your second coming, when you will establish your Eternal Kingdom, and occupy the throne as Lord, Who will reign over all the earth. In your beloved, beneficent Presence, we hope and aspire, through Faith and your Grace, to rest in the peace of Christ, occupying the places he has faithfully prepared for the righteous inheritors and sons of his Beloved Father.

We acknowledge and worship in humility and obedience the Oneness of your Godhead, in the Triune Personage of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. We await, in eager anticipation, the day when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess the Lordship of Jesus, to the Glory of your Mighty Name. Then, all peoples shall unite under your new Covenantal love and everlasting peace. We shall love you, God, with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, for you are the only God, Ever-Living and Everlasting, worthy of our worship. All creation shall accord you, in thunderous unison Praise and Honor.

Father God, may your Might and radiant Light shine through all the earth, by our lives which emulate our beloved Lord Jesus, by our example of showing Mercy to all living beings, by our zeal of proclaiming your Holy Word fearlessly, by our very breath, in praising and glorify your Holy Name till it resonates to the very ends of the earth. Forgive us, when we fall short of your grace which you have richly reserved for your earthly children. May we live Godcentered lives, of prayer and adoration of our Loving and Faithful God, reconciling with our brethren, spreading love and goodwill to all, in our families, our Churches and through all our words and deeds promote peace and build up and execute your Holy Will, till we reach the heavenly shores. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

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February 20, 2024
February 21, 2024