Ecclesiastes 4:9
October 2, 2021
October 4, 2021
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1 John 1:7

3 October, 2021

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
1 John 1:7

Everloving Father, who has sheltered us in the shade of your grace, we worship and give you glory, for adopting us as your children and giving us spiritual life and maturity, by making known to us the truth of things to come. The revelation by Jesus that he is the Messiah, and the only way to attain salvation, gave each of us deep faith in the eternal love of our Father God and showed us your tender, unfathomable mercy. It gave to all of us sinners, a chance to persevere in holiness.

Jesus came as the Light of the world and transformed our lives by lifting us out of the depths of darkness and bondage, breaking its shackles and bringing us into his holy radiance, where we shone with the light of faith, in the likeness of you, our Father. He, being light, has made all believers children of light, the light of our Father. Jesus regained for us fellowship with you, which had been lost, but found again, by his sacrificial death, whereby he nailed sin to the Cross of our Salvation, drawing us, cleansed, into the Light of your grace.

Only the Blood of Jesus has made full atonement for all sin and awarded us eternal life through faith, in knowing and acknowledging that he is our Savior. We have cause to rejoice that our former sinful nature has been atoned for. Father, we thank you for your grace and mercy into bringing us into fellowship with you. We pray that we will continue walking in your ways and your light, avoiding sinful and fickle indulgences, seeking holy fellowship with our Christian brethren, in the Name of Jesus the Lord. Amen

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