September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023
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Matthew 5:3

19 September, 2023

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3

Dear Father in heaven, we thank you for pouring down upon us your faithful and infinite love, for filling us with the happiness of your Being, and for holding our earthly life firmly in your hands. May we have the confidence that we are in your hands. Grant us the light of faith. We exult in the truth of our God who loves and cares for us unconditionally. When we look up to you God, we realize we are just the dust of the earth. You have formed us in your image, and breathed life into us. You are our Light.

Let this light of faith guide us in rejecting the desire of material things and help us to wait in patience until the doors open for us to pass through to our real home, according to your Will. Bless our life that we may grow joyful and free of heart through all that Jesus Christ gives. Lord, we humbly acknowledge our sins and our spiritual emptiness and poverty. Through the faith instilled into our hearts by Lord Jesus’ teachings and the revelation of your benevolent adoption of all those who are redeemed, our trust is in you, Lord and in your faithful promises to us.

On the foundation our Lord Jesus has established for us, may your divine working, your fatherly love, lift and support us throughout our lives. With humble and contrite hearts we work towards attaining a state of blessedness, thus renewing ourselves with purity and righteousness and absolute submission of spirit, which will justify us when we stand in your beatific presence and worship you. In Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen

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