24 September, 2022
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Matthew 7:13-14
Glorious God, Fount of Holiness, Preserver of Life and Deliverer of sinners, we are taught that repentance, faith and humble submission to your Holy Will and the good plans to prosper us, are the only way to you and thus, to salvation of our souls. Bless us with the faith, endurance and love to follow you on the path where you lead, although it is a cumbersome and narrow path of life. Help us to reject sin and trust in your grace alone, doing the right things in the right manner and pleasing you to obtain your grace and favor.
Lord, we are weak and are easily tempted to follow a road which is broad and pleasurable, thus entertaining sin and death. Protect us Lord, becoming our Rock of Strength in our weakness and helping us recognise the sound of your voice, directing and counseling, exhorting and also giving us comfort and support. May we use caution, as we abide in Jesus Christ and his teachings of what kind of life we should aspire to live for us to inherit the Kingdom of God, which is our ultimate goal.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and by suffering and sacrifice, forbearance and patiently following a path of life that denies worldly luxury and pleasures, we will be heaping up our heavenly rewards. Encourage us Lord, to dispose of our material wealth to help the needy and the Church of Christ, and look towards earning and attaining salvation and eternal life. May we walk on the narrow path in life, to abstain from immoralities, evil, and wealth accumulation that take us away from you, by always staying close to the teachings of Christ, we ask this in Jesus’ Name. Amen