Micah 6:8
June 6, 2024
June 6, 2024
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The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a Mighty One, a Savior. He will rejoice over you with joy; He will rest [in silent satisfaction] and in His love He will be silent and make no mention [of past sins, or even recall them]; He will exult over you with singing. – Zephaniah 3:17

What wonderful words, and we have an even better covenant than the Jewish people had! God is not only in our midst, but He is also in our hearts. If Jesus is truly our Lord, He is also our Savior. He did all that it takes for our sins to be paid in full and for us to have His righteousness.

To know that God “rejoices over us with joy” is way beyond our understanding. This explains why God paid such a huge price for our salvation through His Son and continues to suffer for us until all the evil will be put under Jesus’ feet. It is so wonderful to know that God will rest and not mention our past sins, or even recall them, because of His perfect, amazing love for all of us who have repented and follow Jesus.

If all that we have already read is not amazing enough, we should certainly be stunned by the last part of this verse. To know that the Lord God Almighty will “exalt over us with singing” tops it all! A happy, joyful heart sings! Whether people sing beautifully or cannot even ‘carry a tune in a paper bag,’ when people are happy, they sing. We all know this is the way humans act, but to learn that God sings out of His joy for us, is something else! I do not know what this mean to you, but it certainly blesses me beyond measure. Glory to God!


Dear Lord, I am still learning how great Your love is! Thank You for revealing Your love through Your Word! You love me so much that You even rejoice over me! Oh, how I long to rejoice with You! To be that close to You, that nothing can ever hinder the love You generously pour over me on a daily basis! Your will for me is to make it to heaven and spend eternity with You! Please help me to remain true to You always and be Yours forever! In the Name of Jamen. Amen

Source: thetruthstandsforever

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