Hebrews 4:9-11
April 17, 2021
Hosea 6:6
April 19, 2021
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Proverbs 16:24

18 April, 2021

Pleasing words are a honeycomb, sweet to the taste and invigorating to the bones. – Proverbs 16:24

God our Father, you are a Righteous Ruler, Gracious and full of kindness and we worship and adore you in praise and song, giving thanks for all your wondrous works, your grace and blessings. Your covenant of love, given to us by Jesus shows that humility, service, love and kindness for our brethren finds favor with you. Anyone in authority who uses his power rightly, finds his subjects to be his best security.

Lord, help us acquire sincerity of spirit and adopt an attitude which is Christlike, maintaining a distance from every appearance of evil and walking in the ways led by the Holy Spirit. Those who are defiant, arrogant, egoistic and with false pride, are brought very low by your judgment and justice, by their own error, making an enemy of their God. May we stay true to your precepts and covenant.

Understanding and wisdom are the gifts of the Spirit, when we follow your Holy Word, expressed in your gospel of truth. Your Word cures diseases that weaken our souls. We need to stop harboring self-deceit and instead, labour for the food which enriches and endures to everlasting life, to avoid the peril of perishing the soul. Help us Lord, to have tolerance, be kind and forgiving, assist those in need of nourishment of the soul and sustenance of the spirit, abiding in Christ, in his Holy Name. Amen

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6 Prayers

  1. Gracious Father, be with me today when I speak to others. Help my words to be pleasant and nourish others. Let my words bring health, joy, and delight. Give me opportunities today to share a kind word, a scripture, or a compliment, so that it can sow a seed of kindness in someone else’s heart. Amen.

  2. Amen!! Lord Jesus, please help us to speak kindly and gently to everyone we interact with, because if we speak roughly, the other person will get hurt and feel sad and dejected. Please help us to speak with love and compassion, because this will bring healing and health to the persons we interact with. This prayer we make in Your Holy Name. Amen.?❤️✝️?

  3. Lydia says:

    Amen to the above inspiring scripture verse and prayer to God our Father, made in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.
    Praise and thank you Jesus.??✝️