December 21, 2023
December 21, 2023
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Psalm 100:2

21 December, 2023

Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!
Psalm – 100:2

Eternal God, in your Omnipresence, we feel and know you are present universally, for vast is your dominion, authority and kingship. When your people gather for public worship to our Living God, we glorify you for your Power and Majesty, since you alone are Lord and King over all the earth, and we, as your subjects, await to serve you, humbly and with sincere devotion.

Lord, you are the Alpha and the Omega and you are the absolute and Infinite God. We are unworthy of standing in your glorified Presence, tainted as we are with the tarnishing stain of sin. Yet, you came down on earth to show us our unworthiness and unrighteousness and to show us the path of discipleship and its dispensation. We cannot diminish your aura or attributes, because you are immutable. Our praise is nothing in front of your favor and glory. Yet, your saving grace has uplifted us to redemption.

In great joyfulness and gratitude we come confidently before your throne of grace, to obtain your mercy in our time of need. For we are given, by the sacrifice of our Messiah and Deliverer, the unspeakably blessed privilege every believer has, to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus and to approach your Divine Being. We add our voices in chorus with the canticles being sung by the heavenly multitudes where prayers give way to vocal expressions of praise and thanksgiving in adoration of our Living God, and worship with joy and fruitfulness, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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