3 August, 2024
“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord, our God” – Psalm 20:7
Eternal Father, we place our implicit trust in Your Holy Name, for You are Mighty and Merciful, and Your promises to Your people are unwavering and true. Lord, we acknowledge that it is easy to rely on the visible and the immediate, the wealth we accumulate, the skills we develop, and the security we build around us. Yet, Your Word calls us to a higher trust, one that rests in Your Name and promises. You are our Creator, our Sustainer, and our Redeemer. You have proven Your faithfulness throughout history and in our own lives.
Help us to examine our hearts and reveal to us the areas where we have misplaced our trust. Whether it is our careers, relationships, or possessions, help us to see them for what they are: gifts from You, but not the source of our ultimate security. Lord, deepen our trust in You. In moments of uncertainty, remind us that Your name is a strong tower, and we can run to it and find safety.
When we face battles and challenges, let us remember that our true strength comes from You, not from our own resources. We pray for a faith that is steadfast and that looks beyond the immediate and sees the eternal. Help us to live out this trust daily, in our decisions, our relationships, and our worship. May our lives be a testimony to Your greatness and faithfulness. We choose to trust in Your Name above all else. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen