April 25, 2023
April 25, 2023
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Psalm 3:3

25 April, 2023

But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. Psalm 3:3

O Glorious Father, you sit on the seat of Righteousness and dispense mercy to all who zealously call upon you with the greatest confidence, acknowledging your Power and your Might, your Glory and Majesty, your Mercy and just Judgement. We know Lord, in absolute faith, that your wings under which we take refuge, and the Power of your Holy Spirit, will encompass us, fend off all danger, and keep us safe, because we have appealed to you and because we have no doubt whatsoever, that we rest in comfort and safety, dwelling where you are.

Lord, you have proclaimed us as your own, calling us children and co-heirs of your great inheritance. Hence, we believe, that, as our Deliverer and Preserver, our Defender and Protector, you will surround us with the glory of your grace, when we surrender and submit in humility to your Holy Will. No harm can be done to us if you are with us, and you will vanquish the evil oppressor and defend and restore us, so that we can fearlessly proclaim your power, and your favor, as author of our salvation and sing of the mercies of your love.

Heavenly Father and Maker of the Universe, we call upon you in cheerfulness, confidence and hope, for in our weakness you display your strength and we glorify you in constant praise and worship. You uplift us, out of the regions of darkness, whenever we fall, and you comfort us in our brokenness, for though we are sinners and face the wicked lies of our opponents, you know our human shortcomings and call us to restoration. You save us from falling into wickedness. Our trust in your love and mercy is complete, and we glorify you in our Savior Jesus’ Name. Amen

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1 Prayer

  1. Miriam says:

    Thank You Mighty Lord for what u did already today, the honor and glory to You for ever and ever.Today I’m alive in the name of Jesus only want to said Thank you heavenly father u gave me salvation and freedom through ur wound also you’re my healer.amen