October 22, 2023
October 22, 2023
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Psalms 39: 7

22 October, 2023

And now, Lord, what wait I for? My hope is in Thee. Psalms 39:7

Almighty Father, our Eternal and Immortal God, you have given us mortal life on earth and have provided and succored us to live in peace, harmony, contentment and brotherhood, till our life is complete and we return to you. All the vain glory and enjoyment on earth are short-lived and fleeting and are only of earthly use, contributing nothing towards the working of our salvation by your grace and favor. Father, through our Messiah Jesus Christ you have taught us that humility, service and obedience to your Holy Will and plans for us, are what we ought to seek and harbor after. This will give us rewards of the fruits of eternal life in your heavenly kingdom.

Father, render to us patience to suffer our afflictions in a composed manner, faithfully bearing all for the glory of your Holy Name. Help us not to be deceived by the vanishing and transitory things of this world, but to serve you with total surrender to your Will, adhering to the commands and precepts of your Holy Word, for only by such transformation of our soul, can we have the hope and confidence of your unwavering love, favor and grace in the things to come.

Our hope, reliance and expectation is in you and you alone Lord, Who are our Deliverer, Comforter and Consoler. We place ourselves at your disposal, taking comfort and strength from the Holy Spirit, our Counselor and Guide. We consecrate our lives to your service by living holy and prayerful lives, by spreading the good news of the gospel and by renouncing all evil temptations which the ruler of darkness sets before us, to distract us from the path of holiness. We hope in the full confidence of your Mercy, safe in the knowledge that Christ abides with the righteous and seeking him always. Amen

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